
Wills & Estate Planning in DFW | Secure Your Legacy - The Law Firm of Ross F. Tew, P.C.


We ensure how certain assets you had at the time of your death will be distributed however you see fit.

Estate Tax Planning

Financial Powers of Attorney

Medical Powers of Attorney


HIPPA Releases

Advance Directives to Physicians

Designations of Guardians

Transfer on Death Deeds

Probate Avoidance


For Making a Will

Making a will often brings up painful thoughts about mortality. But it should also make you think about your obligations to your survivors and, if your financial situation allows it, your community or charity interests. A will minimizes the likelihood of disagreements by outlining your objectives and directing how your assets will be distributed. It also gives instructions to your survivors on how to manage your estate. You can name an executor in your will who you believe to be capable and reliable.


What Is A Will?

A will is a legal document that specifies who will get your assets after your death, including your chosen beneficiaries and heirs. It may also contain your instructions for decisions that must be made regarding matters that arise after your passing, including as the designation of a will’s executor and guardians for minor children, as well as instructions for your funeral and interment. A will may instruct the executor to establish a trust and name a trustee to manage assets for the benefit of a specific individual, such as minor children until they reach adulthood or a certain age.

Why consult with
The Law Firm of Ross F. Tew, P.C. in drafting your will?

We have a full knowledge of the state and federal laws impacting the listing, value, distribution, and taxes of your estate. We also provide you with the best legal counsel available in your circumstance. You can make sure that your choices will be lawful and enforceable. We assist with queries, worries, alterations, and updates to your will and trust.

Ensure your wishes are respected and protected. Start planning today.

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