
Estate Planning Services in DFW | Wills, Trusts & Asset Protection - The Law Firm of Ross F. Tew, P.C.

Estate Planning

We help align current and future generations’ needs with reliable estate planning techniques.

Customized Plans At Competitive Rates

You do not have to sacrifice professional advice to get a competitively priced estate plan. Our law firm offers customized estate planning packages with competitively priced rates. Whether you need a simple straightforward estate plan or you have substantial assets to protect, requiring a more sophisticated plan, we will put together a package that works best for you.

Attorney Preparation/Fully Customized

When it comes to estate planning, we understand that no two individuals are alike. For this reason, we will take a personal approach and let you know the most sensible, up-to-date legal options available. All of your estate planning documents will be prepared by the attorney at our law firm to ensure compliance with state and federal laws.

Peace Of Mind

With so much riding on the decisions involved in creating an estate plan, you cannot afford to make a costly mistake. You will be able to rest assured knowing that all of your estate planning needs have been met and all of the associated documents have been properly executed. An attorney who practices estate planning law is the only person who can properly guide you to ensure the peace of mind that comes with a properly executed estate plan.


Learn how you may leave a lasting legacy for your loved ones.

Consider a scenario in which you have a family of four, a few vehicles, a great home, and some cash stashed away in savings and investments. Who inherits your possessions in the event of your death? Are they family? A relative? Or even a cause that is dear to your heart? Planning your estate is necessary to carry out your wishes.


What Is Estate Planning?

Estate planning is a process that involves the advice of qualified experts who are acquainted with your objectives and worries, your assets and the ownership arrangements of those assets, and your family structure. You could need the assistance of your lawyer, accountant, financial planner, life insurance advisor, banker, and broker, among other professionals.

Estate planning may or may not include tax preparation and deals with a number of other personal issues, including the transfer of property at death. Your will is the key document that is most frequently related to this procedure.

Why partner with
The Law Firm of Ross F. Tew, P.C. in planning your estate?

You cannot afford to make a costly error when developing an estate plan because so much depends on your choices. You can rest easy knowing that all your estate planning requirements have been satisfied and all related documents have been correctly executed. If you live in Dallas – Fort Worth or the surrounding areas, get in touch with us today to get started in the right direction. 

Ensure your wishes are respected and protected. Start planning today.

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